Saturday, February 24, 2018


Hello friends! Thanks for joining me. My name is Madelyn Phillips I live in Orlando Florida and I am getting a degree in Elementary Education.

[The boyfriend, Deni, and I at Magic Kingdom]

I started this blog because I needed a hobby. I'm the type of person that if I don't have a bunch of things to do I don't get anything done. I think it's a whole momentum thing. I am also hoping that writing blog posts will help with my writing skills. As you can probably imagine getting a degree in Education there are a lot of state tests. What you may come to see in my writing is that I have "ADHD" just meaning that I have a lot of thoughts and it's hard for me to keep them straight.
Hmmm... I've got two dogs and they are my life! They are my babies. I'm sure you've heard of crazy cat ladies well.. I am a crazy dog lady. I have fallen in love with every dog I've ever met. If I could, I would live of a GIANT piece of land sleep in a trailer and have like 100+ dog. Crazy, I know. Here's a picture of my babies.

[Hillary (Billy) on the left and Phoebe on the right]

Well, my attention spend is about done and I still need to take a shower before going to the grocery store sooo I'm going to sign off and try again tomorrow, Bye friends!

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