Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Disney World is probably my favorite go-to place for a day of fun. I mean, it's the most magical place on Earth! My boyfriend Deni works for Disney so he gets us in for free and that helps us tremendously with the over all cost of our visits. Honestly, getting in for free is our justification for buying so many silly souvenir shirts or magnets or shoes or how could I for get, Minnie ears!

  •  First things first, planning is essential to a fun and stress free(ish) visit. If you want to go on a lot of rides you're going to need fast passes. If you want to have a sit down meal you're going to need a reservation. Anyway lets get back to what this post is about, packing for Disney.  I suggest downloading the My Disney Experience App on your phone (This is what Deni works on <3 )

  • After scheduling our fast passes I grab my High Sierra Hydration Pack and fill that sucker up with ice cold water. Its amazing because it stays cool ALL DAY. The back side has air flow fabric that keeps your back cool from the cold water so your back doesn't sweat. Love it!

  • In the main pouch I'll put our ponchos at the bottom. It's a running joke between Deni and I that we have to bring them EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whether the forecast calls for rain or shine we bring the ponchos, because without fail when we forget them it downpours but when we bring the ponchos we don't need them. I don't know what kind of jokester magic is going on with that but I'd rather bring them and it not rain then have to waste money over and over again. It's happened so many times to us that we now have around 20 Mickey ponchos.

(Here's some pictures of the most recent time it happened. These are Deni's parents and we are in Pandora)

  • Next is money, can't get a Mickey ice cream with some cash haha. I just grab my ID (mainly just incase I wanted an alcoholic drink) a credit card and some cash. A little of everything, you never know if their machine will go down and it's cash only. I put it in little card case. (Mine is Lilly Pulitzer but it's no longer available but this one is really cute.)

  • Then sun protection. Sunglasses, hats, lip balm. This Kiehl's lip balm is the only one I use. Wax from chapstick will end up drying your lips out so I only use glosses. Also, Kiehl's main focus is hydration so you really can't go wrong with this on. I suggest putting sunscreen on before the parks so it's less to carry but I know kids need it reapplied so that it is just for those you don't plan on getting wet or just being there for a little while.

  • Every morning Deni and I take Emergen-C to keep our immune systems up. I find it very important to take before going to a theme park. There are so many line with railing we're always touching. Honestly, I could go on and on but I'm sure you get the point.

  • Another must that we bring every single time is Excedrin. Deni gets migraines all the time and if you add all that walking combined with the intense Florida heat it is a priority on our packing list.

  • Last, I'll pack some snack. You are actually aloud to bring a lot into Disney parks as long as it's not glass. I usually pack a couple cliff bars but Deni's aunt came last weekend with her daughter and she brought waters, cereal, tomatoes. 
And thats it, my main Disney packing list. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Hello friends! Thanks for joining me. My name is Madelyn Phillips I live in Orlando Florida and I am getting a degree in Elementary Education.

[The boyfriend, Deni, and I at Magic Kingdom]

I started this blog because I needed a hobby. I'm the type of person that if I don't have a bunch of things to do I don't get anything done. I think it's a whole momentum thing. I am also hoping that writing blog posts will help with my writing skills. As you can probably imagine getting a degree in Education there are a lot of state tests. What you may come to see in my writing is that I have "ADHD" just meaning that I have a lot of thoughts and it's hard for me to keep them straight.
Hmmm... I've got two dogs and they are my life! They are my babies. I'm sure you've heard of crazy cat ladies well.. I am a crazy dog lady. I have fallen in love with every dog I've ever met. If I could, I would live of a GIANT piece of land sleep in a trailer and have like 100+ dog. Crazy, I know. Here's a picture of my babies.

[Hillary (Billy) on the left and Phoebe on the right]

Well, my attention spend is about done and I still need to take a shower before going to the grocery store sooo I'm going to sign off and try again tomorrow, Bye friends!